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Sunday, June 26, 2005

Fatal Seductions

I have just finished reading two books by Douglas Lee which are called Fatal
Seductions. I would recommend these books to the swingers out there.


ok ok.. a short summary of one of the book...
(the other has the same theme, just different ending)

Fatal Seductions I
This book is about this guy called Steve who is a swinger. In case you do not know, a swinger
is one who 'swings' from a sex-partner to another to another to another.... you get my point.
The type of person who doesn't care about making love but only having sex - recreational sex!
sex for his entertainment purpose! A womaniser, period.

So this Steve was an eligible bachelor. He earned good money as a sales rep., stayed in a condo,
drove a fast car (picture below). He was very good-looking, very confident of himself and very
good at talking and pretending. Women of all shapes and sizes flocked to him, but he wanted only
the prettiest. He had no qualms spending on the women he wanted as long as he can have sex with them.

That was his lifestyle. Each time he will con the innocent women to have sex with him
before he cast them aside. And these same women will go on to have sex with their boyfriends,
their friends or their lovers.. and if they ended up married.. they went on to set up their
own families and have kids. but if they break up, those boyfriends, friends and lovers
will go on to have their other girlfriends and lovers and friends.... blah blah.. so..

Unknown to Steve and the girls he had 'bedded', he already had HIV virus in his system,
contracted from a Thai prostitute who lied that she was a Virgin (so that Steve would pay
her more $$$), when in fact, she never had protected sex with the hundreds of guys she had
sex with. So... what happenend was, everyone who had direct and indirect contact (meaning, the
girls he had sex with went on to bed other guys) with Steve got infected with the HIV virus.

That was the tragedy - started all from JUST ONE little lie, in this case, the Thai pros's.

Steve finally knew about his HIV+ status when one of the girl (Cynthia) whom he had sex
with passed away. He was contacted by the doctor who told him Cynthia was tested HIV+
and that she gave him the contact numbers of those whom she had sex with. This revelation
was too great a blow for Steve to take. He was so young! He had a bright future ahead!

He thought back to the number of girls he had sex with (probably near hundred!) and
pondered whether he should just give the doctor their contacts. In the end, he decided
not to, and chose to escape from reality by jumping to his death from a building.
He was only 30 years old.

So with his death, and without informing his previous sex partnerssssssss about his HIV+
status, he had immorally left his HIV legacy behind and let the virus chain go on and on.

Although this book stated it is just a FICTION,
I can testify that such stories happen in REALITY too.

Over the years I have known many many swingers, be it women or men. There was
this particular case which I remembered among a group of them. It involved
two couples. Let's call them Boy A, Girl A and Boy B, Girl B.

Boy A (a Singaporean working in Malaysia) invited Girl B to his house when
Girl B was holidaying in Malaysia. They had sex.

Girl A (Boy A's girlfriend) was a Singaporean studying in Australia and decided
to holiday in Singapore during her summer holidays before going up North to meet
her boyboy A. Back in Singapore, she met Boy B (boyfriend of Girl B) and they
had sex.

Girl B returned from Malaysia after her trip and carry on having fun with her
boyboy B. They had sex too.

Girl A, before returning to Australia, went up North to visit her boyboy A.
They had sex too.

One day, Girl B discovered, eh.. something wrong down there leh.. then went
for a check-up. She was infected with a STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease),
but she didn't know from who! She called up Boy A in Malaysia and accused
him of passing the STD to her.

Boy A then went for a check-up. He was infected as well, and then he confronted
Girl A that she had been unfaithful and having sex in Australia and passed the
STD to him.

Girl A was worried and went for a check-up and the results was positive. She
confronted Boy B (over the net) and accused him of being unclean.

Boy B went for a check-up and after the results came back positive, called up
Girl A and asked her whether it was she passed the STD to him.

In the end, both couples break up, treated their STD, and went on with their own
lives... err... the same swinger lifestyle as before but with protected sex... not
a very good ending.. i doubt they learnt much from their lessons.

Friday, June 24, 2005

HIV threat is Real!!

Among the many things that worried me after I found out about my hubby’s double life, was whether I am infected (by him, who else!) with HIV.

The recent media hype about HIV cases ballooning among heterosexual men, among which a large portion are married men, got me worried like hell. I could just be one of the ‘wives who unwittingly got infected by their promiscuous husbands’.

The last time he had donated blood was about 2 years ago. But his sex affairs were all after that!! For 2 weeks after the truth was out, I scoured the net for HIV websites (I have NO GUTS to go for testing at Kelantan Lane that’s why!.), wanting to find out MORE about HIV .. the risk of getting it, its symptoms.. blah blah..

With the information I was armed with, I tried to evaluate whether he has that deadly STD by revisiting my old memories....

• He had a few fevers during the past 2 years. (a possible sign!) ..
• He had a cough for months that wouldn’t go away despite the amount of medicine he took.. (another possible sign!) ..
• He had rashes erupting on his body even after his showers which he scratched and scratched.. (and another possible sign!)..
• He got very tired easily even on his days off and slept throughout the day (yet another possible sign!)

Despite my suspicions, I have TOTALLY TRUSTED this man. I trust that he will behave responsibly towards OUR kids and I. I trust that he will know better than to jeopardize his career (his means to support his family) by having sexual relationships with his trainees and colleagues.

Of course, now I know for sure, my trust has been misplaced!!

He has valued his own freedom and temptations above everything else including his family, his kids. He has SINGLE-HANDEDLY destroyed what we have tried to build together over the last decade.

His selfishness could have ORPHAN our kids in the future.


People like him should be sentenced to hang by SG law if our government seriously wants to stop the HIV trend.

I wished we were back in the old era when adulterers were pig-caged and drowned! I definitely won't pity them and would add a few more stones to their cages personally!!

Meanwhile I’ll just pray and hope that I had not gotten any STD from this irresponsible man. I will need a long and healthy life - for the sake of my kids.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

My 3rd – Son and 4th – Daughter!

Considering the abusive streak in my hubby, I had contemplated divorce and wasn’t willing to have any more kids. But I don’t know how my hubby can be such a BOBO Shooter even when we do with condoms on.

I had took pills before as contraceptives but he wasn’t happy with it. To him, that would mean I can have sex with other men but he will never know. What logic is that??? So fine.. I gave up the pills, he can use condoms.. but what the heck! How did he get his marksman badge in Army??!!!

I was already a housewife at that time after finishing my 6 years contract in Army. My daughter was still taken care of by my parents, and my son was quite lonely. So having a 3rd kid didn’t seem to be a bad idea. So amidst the Teletubbies era, I gave birth to my 3rd kid.

My 4th kid was also conceived due to her father’s BOBO-ness. He just started on a new job then, earning $800/month. So financially we were very strapped. He has agreed that an abortion would be right, but he kept delaying it! By the time he had saved ‘enough’ abortion fees, I was already 5 months pregnant!!

I would have borrowed the $ from my friends to abort and got it over with, had he not been concerned about his ‘face’. I wasn’t too happy with him. His ‘face’ resulted in my 4th kid being born shortly after and the onset of our finance hardship.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
I do not regret having my 4 kids. They are my most valuable gifts from heaven. They are the ones who give me the motivation to pull myself up, and to look towards life. Without my kids, I would probably hatch some revenge plot or to commit suicide wearing red etc. to get back at my hubby.

But, I won’t. His life isn't worth shit compared to the more fulfilling and meaningful life I can look forward to with my kids.

He will have to live with the consequences of his actions till the day he dies.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

My Second Kid – Son!

My career was going quite smoothly at that time. I wasn’t too happy when I was pregnant. My daughter was taken care of by my parents.. they had made clear that they are not going to care for my next babies because they would not be able to cope. And I was not going to be a housewife when my career is on track! I seriously considered abortion, but was eventually dissuaded by my hubby and colleagues.

Throughout this pregnancy, I was attached to Chief Clerk to do admin work (wahlau... damn boring!). My camp 2 I/C personally made sure I did only paperwork, and gave me lots of projects to do, such as drafting a Commanders’ Handbook.. things like that. That was the period when I learn all my computer skills. The only good thing was, I wasn’t required to wear uniforms.. so it’s slacks and T-shirt all the way!

My son chose a very nice date to indicate he was coming out – April Fools’ Day.

When I told my Chief Clerk that I felt I’m going into labor, she thought it was an April Fools’ joke. I had to convince her that it’s not before she informed my Camp 2 I/C. He immediately called the MT Sgt to asked for a GP car to send me to NUH. The GP car came but the MT Sgt didn’t want to drive.. in fact, he looked so nervous that I wouldn’t trust his driving anyway. So while my hubby drove the GP car, the MT Sgt ‘acted’ as if he was a midwife all his life and ‘taught’ me to “breathe in… breathe out...... endure.. don’t give birth in the GP car..”

So you can say we arrived in ‘military’ style at the NUH A&E… with people staring and looking.

After being checked by the midwife, she said the baby would not come out so soon.. probably another 10 hours. I did not want to waste time there (hospital charges isn’t cheap hor!).. so we went home to bathe and get the things needed. The midwife must be playing an April Fools’ joke on me.. because right after I stepped into my flat.. the pains escalated. I couldn’t even walk upright! So ended up, I took a quick bath and we went back to the hospital again.

My son came out half an hour past midnight.
(LUCKILY it was 2 April!!)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My first kid – Daughter!

I was working in the army as an infantry instructor when I was pregnant. And because it was a shotgun, I kept it well from my superiors and camp-mates; I wasn’t sure if I would be discharged from army being an unwed mother or something. (I was told it is possible.) and also, my hubby was working in the unit.. I had to respect his decision ‘not to tell anyone about this’.. I wasn’t sure too, how this would affect his career.

so anyway, I carried on with the training (usually out field) as per normal.. enduring all the inconveniences (pregnant women need more toilet visits!).. and at the same time trying to keep my pregnancy under wraps.. in this case, changing my size S uniform to size M and later on to size L. the only siong part was to take out the ranks and to sew them on each time I changed my uniform sizes.

One fine day, my 2 CSMs called me to their office and asked if they were right that I was pregnant. Well.. both my CSMs were very laojiao people ok.... one is a Guard, the other is a Commando.. I guessed there is NO way I could bluff my way through in front of them.. so I told them the truth. I would say, I’m glad I told them the truth, because they helped me out a lot from there (explaining to my OC, CO about my plight etc.) and made life easier for me, gave me the lighter jobs.. they even took the trouble to go to ROM with us when we apply for a date.. thanks Enciks..

Ok back to the point, I had wanted to take my 8 weeks’ leave only after the baby is delivered, but.. for some reason, she just did not ‘pop out’. In the end, I was ‘forced’ to take Maternity Leave by my Chief Clerk on the supposedly Due Date of my baby.

On the way home that day, I got into an accident (going towards KJE). (I know, I know… pregnant mothers shouldn’t be bike pillions..). Apparently some NSman’s bike crashed into ours from behind.. (the bikes were snaking in the middle of 2 lanes) and my hubby’s bike skidded and turned. The NSman fell, my hubby fell, I fell (I could have fly but probably I’m too BIG to).. and car drivers stopped to help us up. The NSmen who just out-processed and on their way home also stopped to help. We were lucky there was a traffic jam and vehicles weren’t fast-moving.

The first thing I did was to look around for my hubby.. wondering if he was OK.

But, the first thing my hubby did, was to get up and looked at his bike…………….

Never mind. At least he was alive.

I’m proud to say, Singaporean drivers can really be very nice! Though, I can’t say the same for Singapore husbands! Those who stopped to help me up showed me more concern than my hubby did. One driver wanted to take me to the hospital.. (after commenting on how dangerous it was for pregnant women to take bikes) .. but I didn’t see the need to as I did not feel any abdomen pain and had just some bloody scratches.

Of this event, the only thing that haunts me, was the fact that my hubby was (and still is!) a bloody asshole! His bike was more important than my life and my daughter’s!

I delivered my baby 2 weeks after that. I would not describe the grisly details of childbirth.. because I could not remember much except the excruciating pains. BUT, I would never forget how my hubby almost black-out in the labor ward and the midwife suggested him to get out of there. What a man!

Monday, June 20, 2005

My kids

The ONLY thing I have never regretted in my life (despite my marital problems) is to have 4 kids.

Being a mother was something that I have never considered as part of my ‘future plan’ when I was 19. In fact, I had never like kids. I don’t mingle around with my cousin’s kids. I never stopped to gawk at kids, no matter how cute they appear to be. But all these changed after I was pregnant with my own. I started to read everything about kids… from changing diapers to kids’ safety to handling teen kids. I started to pay attention to kids’ clothing and shoes and socks. I guess that is what ‘Motherhood’ is about.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

About him and his family

Jason's father was a womanizer. His mother slogged as a butcher to bring up Jason and his two elder brothers.

Jason hates his father to the core, though I lately wonder if he still does. I heard that when he was young, he saw his father abused his mother after getting drunk. Thus, he was always quite a filial son to his mother. I remember there was once when we had arranged to watch a movie together. After buying the tickets, he got a call from his (sick) mother and rushed home to take her to the clinic. He returned later, but the movie was already over.

His father's "2nd wife" was quite accepted in their extended family, consider she was a family wrecker. She (and her daughter and son-in-law) always visit Jason's mum every Chinese New Year. I saw her for the first time at my customary marriage when I have to serve tea to her... I walked away wondering who that was because she was sitting at one side of Jason's father while Jason's mom sat on the other side. It is still very strange to me.... this family seems to accept polygamy as THE way of life... (all of Jason's Uncles have kept mistresses or 二奶)... and the womenfolk in this family can accept it too..

So.. needless to say, I was ADVISED (by his mom, his aunties etc) to close an eye and let Jason carry on with his monkey business outside...

either they are well-prepared or they are still ignorant about HIV... but, I'm neither.. and I'm kiasi.

Friday, June 17, 2005

My biggest mistake...

the adulterer...looks are deceiving.. ..... was to marry the WRONG man.

I have married him for 11 years. We have 4 kids. The eldest being 11 years old and the youngest 4 years old. You guess it right. Ours was a shot-gun marriage. Nothing to be ashamed about, I felt, as we were both pretty young then. He was 20 and I was 19. In fact, compared to all the baby-thrown-down-rubbish-chute stunts in recent years, I was kinda proud that we had the courage to bear the responsibility for our mistakes.

A decade ago, a shot-gun marriage is a pretty BIG deal (esp. for Chinese). None in the family and relatives will commend you for the courage; they will only feel you have shamed the family name and talked behind your back. Usually, the women are the ones who bear the brunt of the ridicule.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The beginning of my troubles..

I am currently in a dilemma trying to decide whether to divorce my husband of 11 years. You see, he has been living a double life, and as I’ve found out recently, has an on-going affair with his colleague and countless flings with his trainees for years. The colleague is now pregnant and the baby is due in August 05.

Adulterers and family wreckers are mostly shameless species to commit such acts. Chinese has a saying, 脸是自己丢的, literally means “only you can throw your own face away”. So I won’t be giving any face to them here.

My husband’s name is Jason, and the woman’s name is Jean. Both are working at Bukit Batok Driving Center. One is an instructor, the other an admin clerk in the Training Department. As far as I know, they are now staying in their rented love-nest in Chua Chu Kang.

Anyone with MMS of the woman is welcomed to send it to my email. To forewarn though.. the woman is FAT (by default and nothing to do with her pregnancy).... so it would be a hard time to try to photograph her with a mobile phone.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Why I Blog...

I have always been against blogging, because in my opinion, people who blog are
attention-whores. I’ve never imagine that, today, I would start a blog and such a
personal one too. But I’m not seeking attention; I just want to share my experience.

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