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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Living in Singapore - Minimum Monthly Expenses

Lately the government is trumpeting about the "JOBS" created, with starting
pay of about $1200 (CPF not deducted yet). Are our million-dollar-paid ministers
BLIND OR DEAF or got a screw loose in their heads????? Is $1200 ENOUGH to substain
a family in Singapore???

Let's calculate -

Minimum expenditure for a family of 4 (2 parents, 2 children):

*Assuming the father is the sole breadwinner,
and both children are schooling in the morning.

Monthly utilities bills = $150 to $200
Monthly conservancy charges = $50
Monthly resident phone bill = $20
Monthly mobile phone bill (father) = $30 (cheapest sub. plan)
School allowance for 2 children = ($1 x 2) x 24 = $48

Public Transport for 3 -
For father per trip = feeder bus + mrt train = $2.50
Per child per trip = feeder bus = $0.60

per month for 3 (24 days)= ($2.50 x 2) + ($0.60 x 2 x 2) x 24 = $177.60


Breakfast for 4 - a loaf of bread + kaya = $1.10 + $1.50 = $2.60
Lunch for Father - $2.50 (meal without drink)
Lunch for the rest - $5 (a simple home-cooked meal like tofu, beansprouts)
Dinner for 4 - $10 (a simple home-cooked meal with fish OR meat)
Per day = $2.60 + 2.50 + 5 + 10 = $21.10
Per month = $21.10 x 30 = $633

Groceries (salt, sugar, oil, rice, etc.) = $40 (est.)

Necessities (soap, shampoo, detergent, etc.) = $50 (est.)

Total = $150 + $50 + $20 + $30 + $48 + $177.60 + $633 + $40 + $50 = $1198.60

THAT is the minimum expenses for a family of 4, with
1. no entertainment
2. no family outing,
3. no sicknesses,
4. no insurance plans
5. low nutritional value or variety meals
6. no savings
7. no tidbits or snacks or tea-breaks

School-going children are assumed to be studying in Primary schools (which are
usually nearer to home if you are lucky) and no extra expenses like assessment
books, private tuition, COMPULSORY (as dictated by school) magazine-subscriptions,
art material etc.

Quarterly Expenditure:
School Fees = $34 (Primary school)

Yearly expenditure:
Property Tax
TV Licence ($110)
Children's school books and uniforms, shoes, etc. ($200/kid)

Are we peasants supposed to live a life of a pauper, yet paying our ministers and
state agencies billion$$ per year? Is this what Wooden meant by attaining the
"Swiss Standard of Living" and "More Good Years" ?? Every election, we heard
very fancy slogans, but none had materialise so far. In fact, the poor are only
getting poorer. Need we be grateful to our gahmen for creating, or rather,
re-designing jobs that have starting pay of $1200/month??

Despite all these bullshit, Singaporeans are generally very generous people, often
donating millionsss per year to charity organisations. Be it the Tsunami disaster,
or earthquakes in other regions, or local charity organisations, when the call comes
for donation, every Singaporean (at least those I know) usually gives every bit they

BUT, of course, we have recently realised how stupid it is to be taken for a ride
with the NKF Scam. Billions have been donated over the decades, and yet, the money
was used to finance the business-class air tickets, La Vegas trips, millions/year
worth of salary and bonuses etc. for the CEO of NKF and its staff. YET, there seem
to be no sign of the gahmen prosecuting those who abuse the donation funds.
What are they waiting for, really??

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Need to get my head checked!

i'm so happy today that i probably need to go and get my head checked! it's actually not a
big deal but dunno why it is making me feel that xmas has come early. the story is like that..

ever since jason the jerk left the family, i have changed my phone number to prevent him
from calling home.. it's for a good reason lah coz i don't want him to call home every
now and then and cause my kids to be reminded that the family they grew up in will not
be the same anymore. as it is, i did not restrict my kids from calling him if they wanted
to (i have his number stored in the phone memory and the kids know too).
but then, so far i can say, he was not missed!

things have been going on quite well in the past few months. my kids have had fun, had
scored well in exams (both the elder kids are 'promoted' to their schools' best class),
we get along better with my parents now due to less conflicts (created by the jerk mostly
in the past), we still visit the jerk's mom and his aunt to have dinner etc etc.

financially we managed to get by with the miserable monthly maintenance he gave us..
though i still have outstanding utilities bills and so on... but i should be able to manage.

basically, we are happier and take things in stride. there are no significant changes
and life is good, if not better. the only difference of coz is the jerk's non-existence
(i wish that one day i would be able to write 'the jerk's DEMISE'.. hahahaha..
that will be truly xmas!)

anyway, going out of point already. ok. he has been back only four times so far ever since
he left. the first few times he came back to get his stuff, and his attitude was kanasai!
cocky and unrepentant, and act as if he had done nothing wrong! the last time he came
back was 2 sundays ago. he came back to give the kids 2 sets of Walt Disney pens (with
Jap Yen price tags attached). his attitude was not cocky anymore. when i asked him whether
he had transferred the monthly maintenance to my bro's bank account (i don't have a bank
acct, you see), he took out cash instead to pass it to me without saying anything. now
that is funny, because, in the past, he demanded me to sign a statement (he said his lawyer
taught him one hor!) to say that i have taken $$ from him. this time, he didn't bother.
after a while he left.

i told my aunt and andrew after that, that his behaviour was funny. we wondered if he
had regretted what he did or something. nevertheless, i didn't want to think too deep
into it lah coz why bother? just a waste of my time.

THEN, later on that night, i received an email from him asking me to consent to a divorce.
i did not reply him. i mean, if he wants to, just get his lawyer to draft the divorce petition
and send it to me lah.. whether i want to sign or not i will decide after that. so i didn't bother.

then, after waiting for a week for my reply, he sent another email (the same email). and
still i didn't bother to reply.

i was thinking, there is only one reason for such a desperate move on his part - that is,
pressure from his woman. she probably wanted to wed asap (before their illegitimate kid
grows up.. i mean how do you explain to your kid that your surname does not follow your
dad's but not mom's?) and to get a pigeon-hole to settle down and maybe that sow wants
to give birth to another few piglets watever watever... or she herself had been pressured
by her parents and wanted to wed asap.. come on lah, i doubt she ever told her parents
that she is involved with a married man, not to mention a married man with 4 children...
ok lah, i mean i will be ashamed if i am her but of coz i'm not her.. so these are juz
my speculation.. hopefully the truth is not far from this! kekeke...

what made me really happy today is, after another week of waiting for my reply, he sent me
another email again.. he told me to wake up my idea and give him a reply... and to stop
being so childish wor..... wahlau.. if he only knew how much he had forced me to grow up
in the past 6 months..... his cock will pale in comparison!

see? i told you i need to get my head checked!
i was actually feeling happy over his email! LOLz!

i am no longer so lost and helpless and pissed off as i was when he left 6 months ago. i
have done whatever i can to find out my rights, what i can do, what i don't have to do, my
children's rights, and so on. i have also been working on how to safeguard my kids's interests
and mine. i have families and relatives behind me to give me the needed support when i needed
it. i have 'reconnected' my network of friends and community helpers to source for suitable
jobs or to come to my aid if the jerk or his woman and kakis dare to come here to make
trouble. overall, i would say, ahem, i am very much in control of my situation now.

now that i have decided to take my time to put things right again in my life, if they
dare to disrupt my plans, then don't blame me. revenge is not on my mind. they have their
rights to commit adultery (although in doing so, they neglected my rights), to give birth
to illegitimate kids, to have whatever fun they wanted, BUT, DON'T EXPECT ME TO HELP them
solve their problems and consequences of their actions. in short, if they got pressured to
wed, they better not come and pressure me to divorce. divorce him, i will definitely, but i
want it to be done on my terms, not theirs. if i choose to wait out the 4 years of separation,
then that is THEIR PROBLEM, not mine. i will never let other people's problems to become mine.

still, now that i've fully recuperated from that stupid broken marriage vow, i welcome
their stupidity in showing me their desperation so that i can have a few laughs.
it beats going to the movies. talking about the movies, i haven't watched Harry Potter 4 yet...

lastly, whether they read my blog or not, i want to thank my families and relatives and
friends here for the support they have given me to tide me through this turbulent period.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

i read about the recent controversy so decided to see what it was about. the
message was very funny although not in a ha-ha way. it is refreshing to see the rare defiant
attitude towards sg, esp. after all the propaganda shit on local media the past few weeks.

here is a screenshot for the benefit of those who are not affected:

Though i honestly think they will accomplished nothing for doing so, it's nevertheless a
good thing to see people (esp. those in biz) who are willing to stand up for their beliefs.

er.. that said, if this was merely a marketing gimmick (afterall banning the entire SG
population of 4 million from its website is not a big loss), then maybe the
management should consider picking a more worthy cause next time... afterall whether drug
traffickers deserve to die or not is quite a split issue among the common folks. next time,
how about banning all domains in protest to the lack of democracy in Singapore? at
the very least you will make the SG population very happy to know that finally someone
out there is paying attention to the situation in SG.

anyway, Kudos to

Friday, December 09, 2005

The new Singlish Glossary Index

If you try to surf through local forum sites for the first time, chances are you
will be scratching your head wondering, what the hell are these veteran forummers
talking about??? So, for the benefit of newbies, i have consolidated a list of
commonly-used terms (not in alphabetical order though).

1. Gahmen, Gahbrament - the 80+ celebrities in charge of a tiny dot, yet can
screw up in every project they declare as a 'Hub' or 'polis', elite-trained and yet have
very unrealistic visions such as 'Goal 2010!', 'SWISS standard of living!'... the list too long..

2. MIW (Men-in-White), SIW (Scums-in-White), Pappies, Papayas - who else have
cabinets full of white shirts to reflect their whiter than white virtues??

3. Running dogs (translated from 走狗) - those who spend more time in the nearest
RC/CC/CDC than at home, knock on doors like recce scouts to inform of VIPs coming,
those who parrot and evangelise whatever the gahmen says as if it is the gospel etc.

4. Ministars - local Celebrity Stars who get paid millions just by acting and
talking, claiming credits for minute success ("due to the efforts of the ministry,
dengue fever is finally under control."), denying faults by claiming "honest mistakes",
"i was naive..", and some who earn another million juz sitting on directors' boardsssss.

5. Foreign Trash, Fallen Talents, abbrv. FTs - Foreign Talents.

6. Elites - the RICH or those who have influential daddy or mummy.

7. Peasants, Peesai, Sinkies - the common folks (like me! proud to be a peesai..)

8. God, Emperor, Minister Mental, Cul-de-sac - the oldest street fighter in history.

9. Loony, Crown Prince - current no.1 ministar
(last heard he cocked up in his visit to Germany)

10. Ho jinx - CEO of the biggest local coy, which surprisingly loses $$$
despite being SG's biggest monopoly.

11. Wooden - the man who used "5 plates of char kway teow only" as justification
to increase the ministars' salary and promised "More Good Years!" during his PRIME time.

12. Peanuts Woman - Wooden's wife.

13. Bargain Hen - current ministar of foreign talents.

14. Cow - current ministar of sickness.

15. Wong cant sing - current ministar of poodles.

16. poodles - armed men in blue.

17. CUNT, AuntieUSee - our one and only pathetic so-called workers' Union headed by a ministar.

18. Hairdo Lim - current ministar for biz.

19. Durian, Dulan - former CEO of the biggest not-for-profit charity org who
was entitled to 8 cars and drivers, a golden-tap in his office bathroom and was paid
only peanuts every year for his 'sacrifice' in working as a charity CEO.. and by the
way, 1 peanut = SGD$600 000 out of donors' pockets.

(brain-dead now.. need sleep.... )
to be continued..........

The latest drug case to watch!

Expat junkies, dealer, get their fix then fall into net
08 December 2005

One by one, they made their way to the home of the woman who headed the drug syndicate.
And, one after another, the waiting Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) officers nabbed them.

A British management consultant, a construction supervisor also from Britain, a young
Malaysian woman who works as a sports coach, a Japanese director, Thai prostitutes ...
all of them were arrested. Some were carrying drugs, some had imbibed them.

When it was all over, the officers had rounded up the 31-year-old Thai woman who heads
the drugs syndicate, her American boyfriend, as well as 12 others who came to buy cocaine,
Ice, cannabis or Ecstasy from her home. The profile of these buyers showed the syndicate
was catering to well-heeled expatriates.

According to the CNB, the operation kicked off just after 3pm on Monday, when the officers
— who had received some information about the syndicate — spotted a 45-year-old British
management consultant making his way to the Thai woman's Oxley Garden home.

The van carrying the Briton was stopped and cocaine and ketamine were found on board.

A procession began. A 30-year-old British director was next to arrive and when he left
20 minutes later, his vehicle, too, was stopped. A cocaine-stained packet was seized.

Another British man, together with a female Malaysian sports coach were the next to drop by.
Her urine tested positive for cannabis.

Around 7.50pm, the operation was to take another twist. A 24-year-old Thai woman spotted
leaving the syndicate chief's home was found to have packets of the stimulant Ice hidden
in her underwear. She turned out to be a runner for another drug trafficker —a 37-year-old
Thai prostitute.

The raids now switched to Balestier Road — where a further two male Thai prostitutes were
caught for substance abuse — and Telok Blangah Rise, where the 37-year-old trafficker and
some clients were caught.

All this while, the woman at the heart of the Oxley Garden syndicate remained unaware that
her clients were being picked up as they left her home. Finally, around 8.20pm, she and her
boyfriend, an American who works as a senior operations manager, left their Oxley Garden home.
They were nabbed and both tested positive for drugs.

Only the mopping-up remained and it was in the course of this that two other clients — a
Japanese director and a Singaporean contractor — were nabbed.

While some of the clients have been let off on bail, the syndicate leader and the drug
trafficker are likely to be charged today. - TODAY/sh

- - - - - - -

It would be interesting to see what this Foreign "Talent" or rather, Foreign TRASH Drug
Syndicate gets for trafficking and consuming drugs. And open up your eyes, Sinkies, these are
the very people whom are praised to the sky by our millions-dollar ministers (how important FTs
are to SG's economy, how FTs bring jobs etc etc all those bullshit!). And by the way,
Oxley happened to be our beloved Minister Mental, oops, i mean Minister Mentor's territory.
I guess nowadays criminals still abide the rule that the most dangerous place is also the safest. ;)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Hang democracy!

i was very tempted to put this Australian editorial up.

When Singapore Government does not sue,
it means the story is true.

Hang democracy, let's trade

Singaporeans don't like to be reminded they do business with Burmese narco-
traffickers, and admit they don't mind punishing the innocent to preserve law and order.
Eric Ellis reports.

Singapore might seem to struggle with the concepts of democracy, human rights and clemency.
But one word it knows very well is “hub”.

It comes up virtually every day – in advertising, on state television and in the state-
controlled press where Singapore’s leadership exhorts its compliant populace to be a “world
renaissance city” and a “hub” for all manner of undertakings. For instance, it lays claim to
being South-East Asia’s aviation hub, its banking hub, its (improbable) media hub, an education
hub, a shipping hub, a construction hub, an oil-services hub, even a hub for “hand-knotted
Central Asian carpets”, as the quasi-official but geographically muddled Business Times
recently proclaimed. But as Australians have come to learn, one area where Singapore deserves
international honours is as the world’s hanging hub, as convicted Australian drug courier
Nguyen Tuong Van and his ­grieving Melbourne family will probably discover this Friday morning
when Singapore likely snuffs out his 25-year life at the end of a hangman’s noose.

Until last weekend, the plan had been that at dawn on December 2, Singapore’s 72-year-old
executioner Darshan Singh would tighten the noose around Nguyen’s neck and tell the young man,
as he has done a reported 800-odd times before, that he is bound for “a better place than this”.
But Singh told Reuters on Sunday that his long-term role as the nation’s executioner had been
terminated and that a replacement was expected to conduct the hanging of the Melbourne man.

The looming execution has sparked yet another debate over Singapore’s capital-punishment
program, leading the country’s critics to wonder whether Singapore could also become “a
better place than this”. The underbelly of this city-state has been exposed by the Nguyen
matter and Singapore’s tight leadership coterie – so used to control – is powerless to do
much about it, burdened by a confluence of negative events.

It’s been a bad few months for Singapore’s image abroad. One of Britain’s leading universities,
Warwick, decided it would not set up a campus in Singapore, because the government could not
guarantee academic freedom. Human rights lawyer M. Ravi says that a Canadian court is debating
a precedent that could disallow evidence heard in Singapore’s legal system from being
considered in Canada’s jurisdiction. And the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders ranked
Singapore 140 of 167 on its press freedom index, worse than Indonesia (102) and rival
Hong Kong (39); better than China (159) and North Korea (last).

Singapore’s selling of itself to Australians as the “Most Surprising Tropical Island on Earth”
now seems to be haunting it. Far from a nice place to shop away the average 2½-day stopover
between Europe and Australia, Australians have been surprised to know that Singapore interests
own more of Australia than they had realised – Optus, REX Airlines, Australand and its
enormous property bank, the Victorian power utility Ausnet – as well as about $40bn more,
most of it ultimately controlled by the Singapore government.

If Australians thought much of Singapore at all, it was probably of a cheap camera store on
Orchard Road. They now know what Singaporeans have long endured; that in becoming one of
the world’s richest people, Singaporeans don’t enjoy democracy – at least not one Australians
would recognise. Their long-ruling government has brutalised any meaningful opposition
nearly out of existence, they may be spied on and they get their sanitised news from one of
the world’s least free media. Harsh law and order in Singapore is not just about chewing gum.

Many Singaporeans regard it as an unofficial social contract with the government: give us
wealth and we won’t complain. Foreign investors have tended to lavish praise on it; Singapore Inc
promises cheap, skilled labour, efficient communications and political stability. The Singapore
government is the first to admit their country is illiberal. Indeed, it’s one of the reasons
why clean, green, efficient Singapore is a rich and successful place.

Singaporeans have also been exposed as helping prop up the brutal military junta in Burma,
regarded officially by the United States and the European Union as one of the world’s
nastiest narco-states. John Howard and Alexander Downer officially claim ignorance about
Singapore’s close official links to Burma, where the heroin Nguyen strapped to his body was
likely sourced. But to find out, all they need to do is head down Canberra’s Kings Avenue to
the Office of National ­Assessments, Australia’s elite intelligence-gathering agency that
falls under the wing of the Prime Minister’s Department, where one of the world’s leading
experts on the matter toils away keeping Australians safe from terrorists.

A former diplomat to Burma and academic, Andrew Selth is a senior ONA analyst. He insists
he wasn’t hired for his expertise on Burma and, after 18 months at ONA, is at pains to separate
his current work from his earlier output on Burma, written when he was an academic. But as a
regional specialist who knows his work remarks: “Well, he’s not at ONA to open the batting
for the Prime Minister’s XI.”

In 1998, in the authoritative London-based military journal Jane’s Intelligence Review under
the pseudonym William Ashton, Selth wrote “notorious [Burmese drug] traffickers like Lo Hsing-han
are thought to control a number of companies in Singapore that are investing heavily in Burma.”
(Lo’s son Steven is married to a Singaporean and is banned from travelling to the US.)

“Singapore cares little about human rights, in particular the plight of the ethnic and
religious minorities in Burma, which occasionally troubles Muslim states like Indonesia
and Malaysia,” says Ashton/Selth’s Jane’s piece, entitled “Burma receives advances from its
silent suitors in Singapore”.

“Having developed one of the region’s most advanced armed forces and defence industrial
support bases, Singapore is in a good position to offer Burma a number of inducements
which other ASEAN countries would find hard to match.”

Ashton/Selth also describes how, in September 1988, two months after the US State
Department says Burma’s junta killed more than 1000 students during a popular rebellion, “the
first country to come to the regime’s rescue was in fact Singapore”.

He writes: “In October 1988, hundreds of boxes marked ‘Allied Ordnance, Singapore’ were
unloaded from two vessels of Burma’s Five Star Shipping Line in Rangoon’s port. These
shipments reportedly included mortars, ammunition and raw materials for Burma’s arms factories.
The consignment also contained 84mm rockets for the Burmese army’s Carl Gustaf recoil-less
guns, which were made by Chartered Industries of Singapore under licence from Förenade
Fabriksverken in Sweden.
The shipment thus violated an agreement under which the original
export licence had been negotiated, requiring that any re-exports only be made with the
permission of the Swedish government. No such clearance was granted. In August 1989, Singapore
was again accused of providing arms to the [Burmese junta] when weapons and ammunition
originating in Belgium and Israel were trans-shipped to Burma, apparently with the assistance
of SKS Marketing, a newly formed Singapore-based joint venture with the Burmese military regime.”

Chartered Industries and Allied Ordnance are part of Singapore Technologies, a defence
contractor controlled by the Singapore government’s Temasek Holdings. Temasek’s chief
executive is Madame Ho Ching, wife of Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the son
of modern Singapore’s revered founder Lee Kuan Yew and the man Howard has met to plead,
unsuccessfully, for Nguyen’s life. Described as “sharp and incisive”, Madame Ho joined
Singapore Technologies in 1987, two years after she married Lee, and rose to be its chief
executive before joining Temasek directly in 2002. The Bulletin tracked down a company
called SKS Marketing to a Christian bookshop in central Singapore, the SKS standing for “Serving
the King’s Servant”. An SKS employee confirmed the company also had business activities
in Burma, adding it was involved in transport and logistics in Rangoon.

Professor Desmond Ball, of the Australian National University’s Strategic and Defence
Studies Centre, estimates that about 50% of Burma’s foreign exchange is “drug money”,
much of it likely laundered through Singapore. Robert Gelbard, the former US Assistant
Secretary of State for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs,
said in 1997 that half of Singapore’s investment in Burma “have been tied to the family
of narco-trafficker Lo Hsing Han”.

Ball says the Australian government will “do nothing politically” to harm its “very tight”
relationship with Singapore. Bigger issues, he says, are more important than Nguyen Tuong Van,
notably an interest in Indonesia and an even tighter embrace of Washington. Burma, Ball says,
is one of those uncomfortable matters that it’s pragmatic to keep at bay, an arrangement
which suits Rangoon’s generals, too. “The bigger strategic interest is more important,” he says.

Australia and Singapore keep a close eye – and listen in – on mutual neighbour & shy;
Indonesia for much the same reasons. Both are anxious to cultivate ties in the ever-changing
and often volatile Jakarta, Singapore more so given that it is rich, small and mostly
Chinese, compared with sprawling mostly Islamic and poor Indonesia, the proverbial elephant
in the South-East Asian ballroom. Ball says Australia closed its monitoring operation
in Singapore in the 1970s but, when Suharto was toppled in 1998, re-established Indonesia-
listening links with Singapore’s intelligence. In recent years, Ball says, Australia has tended
to officially ignore “accidental” flyovers of Australian military installations by Singapore
air force planes during training in Australia. Likewise, says Murdoch University’s Singapore
specialist Garry Rodan, the monitoring by Singapore informers of Singaporean students
in Australia – highlighted most glaringly in 1999 when two Singaporean students were arrested
in a “random” test as they arrived in Singapore three weeks after smoking marijuana at a party
in Perth. Under Singapore law, it is illegal for a Singaporean to take drugs overseas,
not only in Singapore.

The sparse coverage of the Nguyen matter in Singapore’s state-sanitised media bubble contrasts
with the media event he has become in Australia. But last Friday, the Straits Times’ senior
columnist Andy Ho wrote a full-page essay explaining the government’s hardline stance
on drugs, Nguyen and the death penalty. The piece, which made no mention of Burma, said “if,
in the event of effective crime prevention, a few innocent people are punished or a few guilty
ones are over-punished, that would be a price worth paying

The Bulletin asked Ho why his article did not address Singapore’s links with Burma, and if
his article was entirely his work. Ho, who boasts an MBA from Yale University and a PhD from
MIT, emailed back: “Where’s the beef ... show me your evidence. Do you know someone at The
Bulletin with my training or credentials to be able to go over my stuff intelligently?
I doubt it.” The Straits Times has reported the Burma connection indirectly, by publishing
articles critical of Chee Soon Juan, a local opposition figure who has been discredited
by the government before.

Like the Nguyen matter, the Singapore-Burma relationship is pregnant with contradictions
and, many say, hypocrisy. Commercially pragmatic Singapore, Asia’s business hub, doesn’t see
it that way. As Singapore Inc’s reputation was being besieged around the world over the Nguyen
backlash, Singapore’s High Commissioner to Australia Joseph Koh claimed that after investigations,
Singapore found such reports of intimate Singapore-Burma connections “baseless”.

This didn’t discourage a former Singapore trade commissioner to Burma and now a Singapore
government lecturer at Singapore’s Temasek University’s Business School from writing a jarringly
frank guide for Singaporeans doing business there.

In Myanmar on My Mind, published in 2001 by Times Publishing, Matthew Sim offers sage advice
in an often-bizarre read, made all the more so given Singapore’s famous self-publicised
intolerance of corruption and lawbreakers. (The book carries a CV of Australian-educated Sim,
describing a career as a senior officer at the Singapore government’s Trade Development
Board, tasked with promoting Singapore Inc abroad.)

Sim writes that Singapore-Burma business links are “very good”. He says that Singaporeans
“know the Myanmar [Burma] market well” and that “many successful Myanmar businessmen have opened
shell companies” in Singapore “with little or no staff, [and these companies are] used to keep
funds overseas”. Sim says the companies are used to keep business deals outside the control of
Burma’s central bank, enabling Singaporeans and others to transact with Burma in Singapore.

Sim’s book was described by one local reviewer as a “critical step in this knowledge-based
economy”. If nothing else, Sim’s guide opens a window into Singapore’s pragmatic corporate
practices in Burma.

Singapore has strict laws on corruption, and rates highly on measures like watchdog Transparency
International’s corruption monitor. It pays its government officials handsomely to ensure they
are not tempted. But Sim has a message for those battling Burma’s notorious official corruption
– go with it. “A little money goes a long way in greasing the wheels of productivity,” he writes.

Under the chapter heading “Committing Manslaughter When Driving”, Sim describes the choices an
international businessman has if he has accidentally killed a Burmese pedestrian. “Firstly, the
international businessman could give the family of the deceased some money as compensation and
dissuade them from pressing charges. Secondly, he could pay a Myanmar citizen to take the
blame by declaring that he was the driver in the fatal accident.

“An international businessman should not make the mistake of trying to argue his case in
a court of law when it comes to a fatal accident, even if he is in the right.

“He highly probable [sic] that he will spend time in jail regretting it. It is a sad and hard
world. The facts of life can be ugly.”

Nguyen Tuong Van and his grieving family would doubtless agree.

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