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Thursday, September 08, 2005

Harry Potter Obsession!

wah.. I haven't post in a long time! spent almost all my waking hours with the kids
and harry potter. bloody hell! i hope HP book 7 will come out asap so that i can get
over this obsession fast. it is not fun waiting another 2 years for a book ok! if only
shakespeare have thought of writing harry potter! er.. on second thoughts, lucky
he didn't.. i don't want to read a macbeth-harry potter kind of play..

anyway i have spent most of my online time surfing HP forums.. a lot of kukus
though! some forummers are juz pricks when they state things like "Professor
Snape is evil!! I HATE him for killing Dumbledore!!" .. wahlauz.. as if Professor
Snape cares! Some forummers complained about the way JK Rowling wrote this
latest book.. saying things like "she shouldn't have killed Dumbledore!", "Harry
and Ginny shouldn't be together!" .. knnz.. go and write your own series of
parry hotter or wat to challenge JK Rowling lahz! talk so much!

by RIGHT, at my age, i shouldn't be so obsessed with HP lah.. coz it was originally
meant to be a Kids' Storybook.. but all thanks to Jelyn lah! One day I was in a
hurry to go to toilet to do BIG business.. so told her to pass me a storybook while
i.. you know.. urghhh in the toilet.. then she handed me this thick book with a funny
cartoon cover.. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.. wahlauz... i thought..
don't have better books meh???? so nevermind.. just flipped a bit to see what it is
all about. KNNZ... that book broke all my previous records!!

first, that was the longest time i sat on a toilet bowl.. (i think i read about 3 chapters
before i decided i didn't want to get piles sitting there longer) .. then second thing,
the whole set of books i have now are the only series i spent a large fortune on
(consider each book costs about $25), not to mention all the VCDs of its movies and
even PC game... knnz... JK Rowling earned a huge percentage from my monthly
allowance... but ok lah... i think quite worth it.. coz my kids enjoyed the vcds. and
sometimes when they are stuck at certain level of the game, they have to ask me
"AHEM" to help them clear the level... where do you find a mom who will stop
washing dishes or clothes and rush to the PC to help you kill the basilisk when you
shout "mommy!! 打king 了!!" (king = basilisk, the last level of the COS game).. and
after that they cheered as if i am really harry potter in real life.... hiakzz...

so you see? that's why i said it is worth it.. coz more or less we have something in
common. not so bad lah i guess.. my youngest kid (that 4 year old!) have even
memorised the names of those characters.. "mommy... 为什么 Ron 很怕?... 为什么
Professor Snake angry??.... " ... kekkeke... SNAPE LAH! wat snake! overall they
like the scenes of those quidditch matches best... but it gets irritating when they ask
me why don't i do a Mrs Weasley and use magic to cook... nbz... then have to take a
bit of time to explain to them harry potter is ONLY fiction... wahlauz.. but honestly
i don't mind a bit of such magic.. will probably make life much easier.. in a way..

will talk more about Harry Potter when i got time. meanwhile, here are some HP
forums if you are also a fan.

JK Rowling's Official Site
HP Lexicon
The Leaky Cauldron
MuggleNet New Clues Forum
Dark Mark ForumThe Boy Who Lived
Harry Potter Fan Zone
Harry Potter Guide

and if you are waiting anxiously for the GOF movie, you can see the trailer here.
(still another 2 more months' wait!! nbz..)

AND, if you think i am MAD for being a HP fan.. you can join these people here.
(these people got too much time.. don't like the books nevermind, still can find time
to criticise... defy logic! may as well spend more time on the things they like! knnz!)

no joke and have fun!!

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