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*SG Blockbusters*
*Terminal Disease*
*Election Mode 'ON'*
*Recap GE 2001 (1)*
*Recap GE 2001 (2)*
*Recap GE 2001 (3)*
*Recap 2001 - 2006*
*Of Time-bombs & Poison*


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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hotly-Debated "Time Bombs"

Recently, the Workers' Party of Singapore released their Manifesto 2006.
This sparked a furious upset in the ruling party, which used words like "time-bombs"
and "poison" to describe it.

The Workers' Party Manifesto 2006 is a lengthy 52-page booklet, so to have the
contents simply summarised into "4 time-bombs" is a tad unfair for the Workers' Party.

Fret not. The Manifesto is available online. It would take time to read, but the time
spent will be worthwhile. Read the REAL THING from the horse's mouth and not rely on
our government-controlled-nation-builder press for a change!!

Disclaimer: I am in NO WAY associated to Workers' Party of Singapore. I am putting
up the links here to enable easy access to these links for friends of my blog.


The Workers' Party

You Have A Choice
Manifesto 2006

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Government and Civil Liberties

Chapter 2 Justice, Law and Order

Chapter 3 Economic Policy

Chapter 4 Society

Chapter 5 Education

Chapter 6 Health Care

Chapter 7 Public Housing

Chapter 8 Public Transport

Chapter 9 Environment

Chapter 10 National Security

Chapter 11 Arts, Media, Information and New Technology

Chapter 12 Sports and Recreation

Chapter 13 Population

Chapter 14 Labour Policy and CPF

The print copy of the Manifesto 2006 is available at S$5 at Workers' Party
Open House on Monday evenings from 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm (except public holidays).


Source : The Workers' Party Website

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Recap 2001 - 2006

Singaporeans have short memory. LUCKILY, with internet, everything (from news reports
to parliamentary speeches to overseas news) can be easily archived and accessed with
just a few mouse clicks.

So, what had happened in the past few years?

WHAT will seriously make you think deeper before you decide to cast
the VERY IMPORTANT vote in your hand?

Let's recap the events in the years that we were ruled by MIWs.

- Tampines Falling Lamp Post Case

- Tampines Bicycle Barrier Case

- Dengue Fever peaked at 700+ cases

- Retrenchment and pay cuts

- RSS Courageous Collision Case

- Commando drowned by Instructor in POW training Case

- Commando drowned under watchful eyes of 4 Instructors in Anti-terrorism Trg Case

- Nicoll Highway Collapse Case

- Biopolis Ayer Rajah Collapse Case

- Fire Onboard the Vessel 'Almudaina' at Keppel Shipyard

- The Great Power Outage of 2004

- The Micropolis Debacle

- The HongKong DaoHung Bank Debacle

- The Australian Octpus Debacle

- The SuZhou Industrial Park Saga

- The NKF GoldenTap Corruption Case

- The $400,000 Renaming "Marina Bay" Huge Waste

- The Renaming "Budget Terminal" Huge Waste

- The RGS White Elephant T-Shirt Clamp Down

- The SAFRA (Mt Faber/T. Blangah) Gassing Incident

- The 2010 World Cup Soccer Target / Vision / Dream Egomania

- Ong Teng Cheong's 52-man year audit frustrate

Source: Coffeeshop Forum

... and these are only some of the more memorable events... there are many more.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Recap GE 2001 Part (3)

SMRT reviewing fares after no hikes for two years
"SINGAPORE: Rail operator SMRT says it is reviewing fares to cover higher
costs and declining revenues."

- ChannelNewsAsia (Apr 28, 2004)

After Elections:

SMRT Corporation made $126.9 million and ComfortDelGro $200.6 million last year (2004).
'Nobody likes increases,' said Ms Saw. 'But it's a way of life. The basic point is:
we are not profiteering from it.'

* Ms Saw is president and chief executive Saw Phaik Hwa of SMRT.

- Straits Times (May 14, 2005)

JUST Before Elections -->
$1 billion in subsidies for polyclinics, hospitals.
- Straits Times (Oct 28 2001)

After Elections -->
Hospital fees up to keep service up
- Straits Times (Sept 16 2002)


DPM Lee, two ministers explain price hike necessary for a good level of <br />health care, which is subsidised by up to 80 percent.
- Straits Times (Sept 16 2002)

Lesson Learnt: Think twice before you rejoiced over govt's handouts this coming GE.

$1 billion help for low-wage earners.
- Straits Times (Jan 13 2006)

"The opposition's plans to 'give and give' will lead to Singaporeans having to pay higher
taxes in order to foot the bill, General Lee Hsien Loong said at a rally in Tampines."
- Straits Times (Sept 29 2001)

In that same time, the PAP promised:

$11 billions for new MRT and LRT lines,

$1 billions in subsidies for hospitals and polyclinics,

$170 millions to improve 8,300 HDB flats.

$2.7 billions in new $ingapore shares.

Source : Big O Magazine

... to be continued

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Recap GE 2001 Part (2)

"A people united - Secure Future, Better Life."
- PAP election manifesto 2001

"Will you keep your job? Can your families cope with school expenses,
medical bills, rent and utilities charges? I understand your worries."

- PM Goh Chok Tong, Straits Times (Oct 28, 2001)

After Elections:

Medical costs went up, rental went up,
utilities went up, school fees went up.

"Top task for PM - to save and create jobs. There is one thing on
Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong's mind these days : jobs, jobs, jobs."

- Straits Times (Oct 26, 2001)

After Elections:

Economy went downwards. There was retrenchment everywhere. Singaporeans in their 40s
got retrenched, yet more and more Foreign 'Talents' were coming in. It was reported
in the news that "100,000 Singaporeans (were) unemployed in 2003". Lowly-paid jobs
(jobs such as Cleaners and Gardeners etc.) were 'created' and 'redesigned' for
the jobless. The Unemployed were labelled 'fussy and choosy Singaporeans'.

"Build compassionate meritocracy : PM"
- Straits Times (Oct 27 2001)

After Elections:

NKF swindles Singaporeans and kidney patients. Till now, we are STILL waiting
for the government to finish its INVESTIGATIOn.

""I know you are worried about your job and your family's future. I understand your concerns.”
- PM Goh Chok Tong, Straits Times (Oct 20, 2001)

After Elections:

CPF rate was cut. The cut caused many Singaporeans not having enough $ to pay their housing
loan. Till now, the CPF cut was still not restored to its original level.

“I would want to form an alternative policies group in Parliament, comprising 20 PAP MPs.
These 20 PAP MPs will be free to vote in accordance with what they think of a particular
policy. In other words, the whip for them will be lifted. This is not playing politics,
this is something which I think is worthwhile doing."

- PM Goh Chok Tong, Straits Times (Nov 3, 2001)

After Elections:

"If you sing Jailhouse Rock with your electric guitar when others are playing Beethoven,
you are out of order. The whip must be used on you."

- PM Goh Chok Tong in report "Not in people's interest to lift whip",
Straits Times (Apr 6, 2002)

First this -->

"Members of Parliament yesterday supported the government's promise to put
people first and to promote active citizenship that was laid out in President
SR Nathan's address to Parliament last week."
- Straits Times (Oct 12, 1999)

Then this -->
Citizenship does not entitle you to a job
- Straits Times (June 25, 2003)

First this -->
US-Singapore trade pact could create 50,000 jobs
- Straits Times (Mar 23 2002)

Then this -->
NWC likely to propse wage freeze or pay cuts
- Straits Times (May 11 2003)

And this -->
S'pore's jobless seen at 5.5%, wage cuts proposed:NWC
- The Business Times

First this -->

"Having enjoyed football as a national sport for decades, we in Singapore have set ourselves
the target of reaching the final rounds of World Cup in 2010."

- Ho Peng Kee on Goal 2010 in 2002

Then this -->

"...Goal 2010 is not a target. It is merely a symbol for our aspirations. It's a vision to
set us in motion. And we should not believe it is a trap from which there is no escape."

- John Koh, FAS on Goal 2010

First this -->

"Finance Ministry spokesman said yesterday that the higher year-end bonus was because 'the
economy has performed much better than was expected' at the time the estimates were first made."

- The President's salary was increased by $114,900 to $2,507,200. - Straits Times

Then this -->

“I don’t think my reading for the economy is strong enough for us to even consider
asking for the restoration of the cut in CPF.”

- Lim Boon Heng, NTUC News

Never in the world was a supposedly ELECTED President
paid a DAILY salary equal to a cleaner's yearly wage.

- about $6 944 / day.

- about $16 / day.

Source : Big O Magazine

.... to be continued.

Recap GE 2001 Part (1)

Let's recap GE 2001...

Source of above picture - SammyBoy Forum

the blue portion is PAP territory.
the red and yellow are strongholds of Workers' Party and Singapore Democratic Alliance.

GE 1997

Total number who voted - 1,880,560
(of which PAP won 65% of total votes)

Walkovers - 47 seats (out of 83 seats)

Total PAP seats in Parliament - 81
Other Political Parties - 2 seats

GE 2001

Total number who voted - 579,720
(of which PAP won 75% of total votes)

Walkovers - 55 seats (out of 84 seats)

Total PAP seats in Parliament - 82
Other Political Parties - 2 seats

So that is what PAP means when it says it has 75% mandatory votes.

75% out of the total eligible voters is only 470,765 votes

HoW many will get to vote this time??

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Election Mode 'ON'

Source of above pict - SammyBoy Forum

EVER since the news reported that the Election Committee has updated the voters' registry,
ALL online (sg)forums were in 'Election Mode'. there are hundreds of posts everyday that
debate on election issues and till now, there are still many posts that i have not got
the time to read.

one funny thing is, suddenly there are so many new nicknames (mostly clones) which dish
out pro-government messages. and you see old nicknames coming out to debate again after
lying dormant for years (probably since the last Elections).

reading the posts has become an entertainment for me. at the very least, the
sometimes-funny-sometimes-vulgar posts beat mediacock's programmes hands down!!!

our ministers had commented before, about how our sg youths are becoming apathetic to
local politics. in response to our ministers' call, i will take the opportunity to put up
insightful posts from the forums. hopefully this will create more awareness among our youths.

i won't enforce my stand on anyone who reads this blog. you will be your own judge.

heh! heh!!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Well done, Scholars!

my blood boils (yes, still boiling!) when i read this piece of shit.

to summarise it, it is about the naming of Sg's 1st low-cost budget terminal.
apparently the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) organised a
Low Cost Terminal Naming Contest" and guess what?

The winner is a 15-year old student

what a cock!!! our scholars are pea-brains or what????? is there a NEED to throw
in funds and manpower and resources to organise a NATION-WIDE contest
and end up with a name called "BUDGET TERMINAL"???

this is not the first time our scholars (when i said 'scholars', i'm referring to those
HIGHLY-PAID civil servants) parade their pea-brains for all to see!

in July 2005, the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) did a '
Branding Exercise' to
look for the BEST name to rename Marina Bay area, and to promote it overseas as a
Business and Financial Centre blah blah..

So they gathered developers, retailers, restaurateurs and other stakeholders and

GLOBAL BRANDING EXPERTS, spent about $400 000, and alas!!

Marina Bay was renamed as Marina Bay!!


National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan said:

"We started off with (the name) Marina Bay and after looking at everything,

the name that really tugged at the heartstrings was in front of us."

KNN!! are Singaporeans SOOOOOOOOOOO RICH that we can afford to pay
$400 000 (our taxes man!) to rename Marina Bay as Marina Bay???

We are really paying MONKEYS TO RUN OUR COUNTRY!

* this post is very LOUD because i really cannot stand it anymore..

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Blockbusters - Sg version.

here's a very creative and hilarious thread in Sammyboy forum.

All-time favourite movies (Singapore version)

Money Still No Enough - Starring MIWs

Spartan - Starring HDB corridor flats and most of its buyers walking aimlessly to and fro

Tales from the Crypt - Starring an old fart who swore to reopen his coffin by himself

The Sums of All Fears - Starring lifestyle-crippling lawsuits and Mareva injunctions on CSJ and Tang Liang Hong respectively

What Women Want - Starring the Women's Charter and the pea-brained feminists behind it

All's Well That Never Ends Well '97 - Starring the growth potential of the Asian economic crisis

Saving Captain Ryan - Starring MM Lee, SIA, Ryah Goh

The Island - Starring Everybody in Singapore

iRobot - also starring everyone in Singapore

The Rising Son - Starring PM Lee

Casino - Starring GLCs and their foreign partners

Dumb and Dumber - Starring Nicol Highway crew

The Matrix - Starring everyone in Singapore

Million Dollar Baby - Starring PAP Ministers

Striptease - Starring Davinder Singh & TT Durai

Desperate Housewives - Starring Ho Jinx & PeanutWoman

Pride & Prejudice - Starring all PAP MPs

Lord Of The Jinx, The Return Of The Prince - Starring Ass Loong & Ho Jinx

Gone In 60 Seconds - Starring all Singaporeans who have received ERS & SS

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Peanut - Starring TT Durai & Peanut Woman

Die Another Day - Starring LKY's wife (Filmed in London)

Braveheart - Starring Jamie Han

Chicken Run - Starring ex-board of NKF

Vertical Limite - Starring blogger XiaXue

Mission Impossible - Starring Chee Soon Juan

Honey, I Shrunk The Subsidy - Starring TT Durai

The Man with the golden tap - Starring TT Durian, Matilda, Michelle Ang and guest starring Peanuts Lady

Peanuts - Starring Peanuts Lady, Charlie Brown and Snoopy

Me, Myself and Daddy - Staring Ass Loong and Harry

Harry Pooper and the CPF chamber - Starring Harry and Ho Jinx

Lost in Translation - Starring Auntie Zoe and Cow Boon Wan

Memoirs of a SPG - Starring SPGs and assorted ang mors

The 50 year old virgin - Starring Sinkee technicians and Engineers

The Chronicles of Nao Hia - Starring Sinkee bengs & lians

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